Municipal cooperations within Adven Group

Long-term partnerships together with local authorities

For over 50 years we have been part of the local society, providing district heating as a sole owner, co-owner with the municipality, or as a wholesale partner.

The advantages in cooperating with Adven

Utility asset owners, like municipalities, that partner up in their energy production have more opportunities to influence their energy production and the cost of it, through various cooperation models that may vary from wholesale and joint ventures up to full-scale partnership with reliable energy production, continuous asset management with investments as well as customer service.

By cooperating with us, municipalities experience the advantage of being part of a larger organization. Through the networks expansion we have a better chance of developing at the necessary pace and delivering district heating at a competitive price in the future as well.

In cooperation, we really are making difference in a world of change.

One of the largest players in Sweden

Adven is one of the largest players in the Swedish district heating sector, with more than 50 district heating networks in Sweden, including networks jointly owned with the municipalities Leksand, Rättvik, Hofors, Kristinehamn, and Perstorp. This gives us a broad experience of partnering with municipalities.

Here follow some good examples of municipal cooperation’s in Sweden:

The cooperation with the municipality works very well. In the board we have constructive discussions on how we can jointly develop the company in the best way. Adven contributes with expertise in district heating and industrial collaborations, and Hofors’ municipality representatives contribute with knowledge of the local market and the needs and opportunities that exist there.

Erik Gynt
CEO Adven Hofors AB

A vital part of the energy landscape in Finland

District heating is the most common heating form in Finland. As a provider of district heating solely or in cooperation with the municipality either as a co-owner or wholesaler, we today supply district heating through almost 30 different networks around the country. Our southernmost location is Hanko, and the northernmost location is Levi, resulting in a nation-wide spread.

Here follow some good examples of municipal cooperation’s in Finland:

Growing sustainably in Estonia and Latvia

District heating is one of the most common heating forms in Estonia and Latvia. In view of changing weather and climatic conditions, district heating is an important component of well-being and overall quality of life.

In Estonia Adven provides district heating in 21 places. In Latvia, Adven entered the market in 2018, focusing on the development of more sustainable district heating services in the region – now providing district heating in three cities and increasing the shares of renewable fuels from 50% in 2018 to 91% in 2022.

Here follow some good examples of municipal cooperation’s in Estonia and Latvia:

Many politicians see the advantages of selling the municipally owned district heating company. We are a sustainable and long-term alternative, and every joint venture is a proof of our ability to collaborate.

Jonas Sjölander
CEO Adven Group

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Eero Siltalehto

SVP, Strategy and M&A