Our model for tailor-made, long-term and brilliant partnerships.
Our model for long-term and brilliant partnerships.
A reliable and efficient heating solution for housing and premises. We provide district heating in over 100 networks in Nordic and Baltic countries.
Adven is an Energy group that through cooperation and joint ownership wants to strengthen the local district heating companies.
The Ilmalanlinna office complex, consisting of five buildings and spanning 35,000 square meters, switched to carbon-neutral geoenergy in the spring of 2024. The property chose to implement this sustainable energy solution through Adven's partnership model, successfully reducing its carbon dioxide emissions to zero. The Ilmalanlinna office buildings are located along…
In Finland, the rise in biofuel prices coupled with simultaneous high demand has catalyzed a shift towards electric boilers for process steam production. This transition not only responds to economic pressures but also aligns with an increasing commitment to environmental sustainability. Electricity, particularly when sourced from expanding wind energy investments,…
The world's leading manufacturer of abrasive products, Mirka, and the energy company Adven implement a completely non-fossil energy solution, where geoenergy field, solar power and electric boiler combine their forces. The heat production of Mirka's factory in Oravais, Finland, will be completely non-fossil. After the project is completed, now estimated…
Not only new buildings can hold a low climate impact. Most of Adven´s geoenergy customers in the Nordic countries have switched energy solution for their already existing commercial building to improve energy efficiency, lower CO2, and reduce operational costs. The cherry on top is the fact that a more sustainable…
Geoenergy, geothermal energy, geoheat – a beloved child has many names. Geoenergy is a heating system powered by heat pumps that utilizes heat energy stored in the bedrock. Energy can be utilized when an energy well, a geowell, is drilled in the ground, the depth of which normally varies between…
A parking garage that has been in continuous use, drilling geowells to a depth of up to 600 meters, building an energy center in a former storage space - these are just a few of the phases that describe the geoenergy project that began last summer in Ilmala, Helsinki, Finland.…
Buying as a service is not limited to the IT industry only. Adven’s Strategic Customer Manager Eveliina Paljärvi highlights in this article that anything can be bought as a service, and energy is not an exception. You don’t have to be an expert in energy because you can outsource and…
One of Ilmala district’s landmarks in Helsinki, Finland, is the office building Ilmalanrinne 1 located along the Hakamäki roadway. Soon, it will be heated and cooled with geoenergy, i.e. geothermal energy. With the new solution, the energy solution of the entire property will be completely carbon neutral. The geoenergy solution…
When discussing companies’ energy matters, we often come up against even false claims and assumptions about adopting energy solutions. We frequently hear, “We’re doing just fine with our current model” and “We want to produce our energy ourselves” in the conversations. Does that sound familiar? Perhaps you have said the…
We work with sustainable district heating, industrial partnerships and real estate energy solutions. This way we are driving the energy transition. Follow our journey!